Monday, December 16, 2013


What creates beauty, is the fact that nothing is forever, everything is nothing, and everything
starts from now.
nothing = forever

forever = nothing

nothing = everything

everything = now

what creates beauty = now

Oh, everything which is created from nothing

Give me the reason for purpose and existence!

Energy changes into something else, nothing is forever.

forever is ever-changing thats what makes nothing impossibe

thats what makes nothing mortal. Beauty is the essence of care taking,

the moment we must seize, the attraction of ourselves! Everything in me,

in my heart in my soul, is the universe, is my conscience is the sea of energy

Forever within the last 3 minutes of my shift, forever in the moment I share my life with love,
forever is how long I hold onto this thought.

All that I know is that the past is just data, all that is now matters and the future is
unpredictable. Beauty is me in you and this is right.

Everyday is new and is always now. Everything I see means I am alive and everyday I see is the
beauty of life, the ugliness of life, the reality of life the

simplicity of knowing that nothing is simply forever.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I fell in art, the master of courage
Behold! It is beauty which stands before thee
Here; his heart agape so eloquently
In perfect nothings,
In you In Which I see what makes me, be.
Without trying
My incentive to higher cognizance
I die yet Nobody cares anymore
you are born. Nobody cares
But love existed in short spurts
But love made it worth while it ever lasted.

x infinity

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Welcome Back to the Internet, Mr. Pacleb

I speak deep meaningful vibrations through winds ov tyme,
every breath is passionate with a tickle ov laughter.

True; LOVE
inspired O before me
Seize the moment
Luck is in my favor
This sound, this color, it is me that I see in you
Something thought was lost,
Come back to me without any cost.
If that dost thou seek tryeth truth
evermore it was meant to be
The sweetest thing she ever heard
All that love that led me to you

Saturday, August 17, 2013

how to understand others with the idea of not having the capacity to control what others do

I like when people challenge me to think beyond my expectations. I also like when people say what they don't like to me in front of my face right when it happens to them. If I agree with you then I roll with you, if I don't agree with you then I'll say it to your face too. But respect is everything that matters and at the end of the day I will respect anyone who steps up to me who disagrees with me. Because we both know after our talk if we are on the same page or not. And I will respect you for who you are, because all we need to know is if we are eye to eye about our vision in why we create to inspire the future.

Friday, August 9, 2013


Lately, last week has been a long time ago.
There's just a time when it's not cute anymore,
and there is a time when you know its too early
to be late, and I just lay there until I have to go.

gotta find my luck somewhere else

Friday, August 2, 2013

Love Me, for who I Am

In my mistakes, thy flavor makes it sweeTER.
To learn from past I see this road more greaTER,
For I am not perfect, nor love is that way,
In life I give my everything.
To go all the way,
or know when to stay.
You know it is love for the gamble we must pay.
It's okay, if it wasn't supposed to be
what's key - We only see what we wanna see,
when we're ready to see it.
Even though there is no rewind,
everything that makes us in the end,
will be the right answer for the best of us.
And even though we may never say our last goodbyes,
a part of us will remain inside our minds.
Life takes you in strange places sometimes.
Love is pain and life is an obstacle.
Thus whatever we choose to do is the right decision we're destine to become.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Nick Martinez: Thank you for all your wisdom about being passionate and a loving person. You always call me brother and I have learned so much from you. I remembered when I questioned falling in love... you told me "love is when you are still around even if that person doesn't love you back. And even if that person doesn't love you, you'd always be there for that person." This has opened my eyes to carefully bestow my love to people if feel are worth loving, because anyone can break your heart, but what matters is only the ones who are worth getting your heart broken over.
Brady Pacleb: We have known each other our whole lives and have experienced many hardships and fun times. Every time we hang out it feels like an Adventure. I admire your hard work and respect that you are the first in our family to graduate college. For a long time, I felt we have not been so close but now I feel we are connecting more. I truly feel I have a brother who I can trust and rant to at times.
Joseph Umali Fernandez: I call you manong because you taught me so much and made me grow as a wiser person as well as my growth as an artist. You taught me how to handle negative vibes from haters by "letting them do their job by hating on you." You taught me how to sell artwork as an artist and not a business man. Overall, you taught me to be honest and to project good vibes and good vibes do come back. You opened my eyes in seeing that being a hard worker is in my blood and to be an artist is to be against the status quo. I will never forget the words you told me when I first met you "The grade does not reflect the artist, but the artist makes his own grade." You taught me to be strong when I am out in the real world and I appreciate your existence in my life. You will be truly missed when we go our separate ways.
Tima Peck: You have always been down since I met you. Remembering the times we painted until the sun came up. You are a great artist and I like the way you think. You are always analytical and at the same time abstract and creative. We both share a similar view in life, "you cannot have the good without the bad." Your etiquette toward society is what radiates a whole room and I treasure you as a great person as well as a great friend.
Matt Martinez: Your smile is infectious and your positivity is always welcoming in my life. You are someone great to talk to, you are understanding and very patient. Your ambition to play music is greatly inspiring as well as your charisma. The wisdom you possess directs you in the right path of life. I want to let you know I appreciate your presence as we walk down the path to life. From really getting to know you I know you are not a corrupt person. You are indeed my best friend.
Barry Pacleb: To my younger brother who finds the brighter side of things in life. Your witty personality has made shaped you into the man I see today. I have seen you grow up and was your bully as a child. I felt by being tough on you, you would be stronger and more experienced than others your age. I want to tell you that I love you and I am glad to have a brother like you to have my back when I need it.
Nicolas Pentsa: You have been a very generous friend and a very humble soul. I respect the fact that your intentions are always for a good cause and you love to help others. You are an inspiring artist and I support you in growing to better opportunities for the future. I hope that all goes well when it comes to school and your artist career.
Cassie Poe: Spontaneity was what brought our paths together. I find your ambition and hard work to be inspiring to many and your love for art and to dare to be different something very noble to me. I like that you have the drive to become a traveler and a vagabond and I am sure your path to greatness is just a roadtrip away.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Letter Never Received

How could a coward be so malice,
for the sake of being a gentleman?
The same reason why women hate men,
then the young turn old,
and they play their favorite song
over and over.

What makes a man happy?
Is it that he can give love?
The tragedy is that he can’t deny love.
Some things so sacred shouldn’t be talked about,
and every time I reword my thoughts,
they have changed my life in more ways
I'll ever be able to express.

Because importance relies on acceptance,
If there is so much more to say,
“Be smart and say nothing”.
Truth stands bold and needs no defending,
*sigh* Farewell lost energy, go astray.

Monday, April 29, 2013

don't cheer for me the "artist" appreciate me the person

everybody makes art or chooses not to do art for their own reasons. my friend took me out for coffee and told me to never stop doing art and to nevver stop being me. I appreciated his positive compliment. I've been thinking long and hard about myself as an artist. And I wish people cheered for me as "me" not the label "artist", because everyone is an artist. and it doesn't make sense to me how you can say you have been an artist for "x" amount of years. it is what you are. one artist can paint 1,000,000,000 paintings and another artist can only work on 2. I only know who I am and I define what I become. I truly believe for whatever I do as a curator, as long as there is still an opprotunity for people to create and display art and I somehow was at one point doing artshows for that particular person and now that person is doing artshows for the same reason to help other artists show their work and inspire others and to watch another face smile. Then I think a part of me will be apart of the continuation of something I believe to love.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Childhood friends

Whenever I read posts from old friends,
I hear their voice I remember when we were little kids.
Is it the personality I can relate to?
When we hang out every once in a blue moon,
I recognize a part of you that has never changed.
So much missing right now...
Better to miss than to grow tired, I guess.
We can never go back to what we once were.
as time fades away...
we become legends of our time.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Nobody gives a fuck about a mans feelings.

Is something my dad told me, once.
To care about feelings, not good.
Lost my innocence, reprogram my mind.
Look at love in the face. Look at love fade like a fog.
One night my brother let the cat out,
and he came back dying. "I did it to myself! I did it to myself!"
I beat myself too hard because I can't afford to cure him.
I feel every ounce of guilt when he coughs in the night.
I'm too busy to be sad. At work, I said "he's going to die anyway" with a frown shunned
away from the eyes of a nobody. I love my cat. I am angry at other people. who probably
remind me of myself. I don't know what to do but wait for death.
I want to do something, but I can't. Before my cousin emailed me and wrote to me. I havn't
spoke to him in five years. Part of his letter he told me cats themselves would probably
be better off living free in nature, this human-constructed society that
we live in wasn't made for them and they just stay confused and dependent. [confused.
a part of me, like a part of my life, like a part of this poem, like part of my cat.
keeps on going until
maybe that is the moral of the story. because if it is, I can certainly die happy.

Friday, February 1, 2013

opposite actuality

Do you ever come to feel that some things in life are not what they seem to portray to be? Like for example: Propaganda. I've been really thinking a lot about what truth means. To the point where it doesn't make any sense and confuses me. And then I would try to have some deep conversation with friends who I feel don't even know what they want/to share or reveal about themselves. which confuses me, then I feel like i'm being glared at like as if it is my fault that I don't know what they're talking about. I guess what really matters is getting a point across to someone. That is the main key. I don't think being or "acting" super intelligent is supposed to get you anywhere. Being intelligent only works when you know how to use intelligence to become dilligent and productive. I have so much more to say but my mind is constantly changing... my thoughts are too explicit for the internet. everchanging. maybe you should meet me over some lunch and entertain each other over how things aren't what they seem. this subject actually reminds me of this poem.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Words never structured the same ever again

The things which were ever so perfect,
were the things that never happened. Unwritten.
Am I, I, or, I am anything really worth thinking. ?
The thought of something vs. actually having
in a time when it grew inside a brain.

Didn't have to read a book to know that

driving as far as you can,
until you have anymore gas,
I finally know how that feels like.
And the thought I have that makes me giggle,
whenever I think of you.
It is the little things that make the big worries
go away.
Beliving in something so much, nothing matters.
That's what I call happiness.
I control myself.
And that's all.