Monday, December 16, 2013


What creates beauty, is the fact that nothing is forever, everything is nothing, and everything
starts from now.
nothing = forever

forever = nothing

nothing = everything

everything = now

what creates beauty = now

Oh, everything which is created from nothing

Give me the reason for purpose and existence!

Energy changes into something else, nothing is forever.

forever is ever-changing thats what makes nothing impossibe

thats what makes nothing mortal. Beauty is the essence of care taking,

the moment we must seize, the attraction of ourselves! Everything in me,

in my heart in my soul, is the universe, is my conscience is the sea of energy

Forever within the last 3 minutes of my shift, forever in the moment I share my life with love,
forever is how long I hold onto this thought.

All that I know is that the past is just data, all that is now matters and the future is
unpredictable. Beauty is me in you and this is right.

Everyday is new and is always now. Everything I see means I am alive and everyday I see is the
beauty of life, the ugliness of life, the reality of life the

simplicity of knowing that nothing is simply forever.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I fell in art, the master of courage
Behold! It is beauty which stands before thee
Here; his heart agape so eloquently
In perfect nothings,
In you In Which I see what makes me, be.
Without trying
My incentive to higher cognizance
I die yet Nobody cares anymore
you are born. Nobody cares
But love existed in short spurts
But love made it worth while it ever lasted.

x infinity

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Welcome Back to the Internet, Mr. Pacleb

I speak deep meaningful vibrations through winds ov tyme,
every breath is passionate with a tickle ov laughter.

True; LOVE
inspired O before me
Seize the moment
Luck is in my favor
This sound, this color, it is me that I see in you
Something thought was lost,
Come back to me without any cost.
If that dost thou seek tryeth truth
evermore it was meant to be
The sweetest thing she ever heard
All that love that led me to you