Thursday, November 15, 2012

art is most valuable in my posession

creation! for all the right things
a baby,
a child is a part of me and you. sometimes not me
everything inside you. by telling you what it means. completely, influenced by surroundings, summoned
by need of expression, pain and love,
care and time copywrited no longer mine,
I do not know what right and wrong means anymore,
another problem I need to fix
neglect my love set aside
feelings arise
because of my soul
whenever it chooses somebody to notice it
what will become of this
oh time tests truth
if energy changes into something else
let the end be something beautiful
I believe, oh I believe it must.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The word "Fuck".

Greatful for a life I can complain about,
sad because I wish I had privilege, my brain tells me
but deep down in my heart. When you dig deep down past
Austrailia and China into the core and somewhere outside
of what even makes sense anymore, you find
who gives a shit.

Happy because I am myself
happiness is true wealth
thankful because I still have two arms
attached with two hands
happy to be in a two man jam band
and that I have a job
where I can buy stuff
happy I can go to the doctor
and glad I am not sick of anything
sad that I'm sad that pretending to be sad makes me sad and that is sad
happy that I'm happy to think I'm happy because I am happy
making a reality without fucks
impossible because everyone chooses that special someone to dislike
about and reflect their communication by describing themselves
like smoking a cigarrete, letting themselves hurt their universe
getting worse
dying slowly
very inconspicious
but I know
because I been there, and probably may go back
because we miss it
like popping puss out a pimple
like venting and ranting to a cashier
like doing something
Everyday is the same
and we just fuck ourselves to pass the time
and have something to do

People like You and Me

I'm not afraid ov the people who walk around at night,
They all look the same
in the dim moonlight, the flashing car LED shine,
we're all walking somewhere, minding our own business,
I'm more afraid ov those who "know everything"
claiming to be psychic prophets
Dali once said "nobody is adequate to judge me"
and that is why he left art school.
And this is why nobody cares anymore.
And for the ones who still care,
They are the ones walking the streets
to nowhere

this is why I know

I don't want to jinx anything
On a heavy windy morning
Autumn came late, for me,
the price you pay to stay in bed,
the years have gone by so quickly,
what time is this?
On a bike to work, on a windy day,
took me more than I had to.
God is torturing me because maybe
I deserved it. I couldn't help
the bird with a broken wing.
Walking away from me, I wondered
where it went, as I worked the
eight hour shift. I smiled, and smiled
and nobody knew. And that's
how it should be. But I wasn't
taught real life in school. I had
to learn how to survive by myself.

Monday, November 5, 2012


things I used to like, a long time ago
we are, are and was, or is
I remember you when it was beautiful
and I close my eyes
it took me back
to everything right where everything was
in the very same spot, how it is supposed to be
I found something on the ground and it became mine
at the speed of sound, in a whisper
they talk about feelings in public
but sacred they are, rather when searched for
it was the most beautiful thing
it tasted sweet between my lips
and I got to witness the moon inside my eyes
appreciate the moment which was so good
a breath, await death, one less step, stumble
decisions mixed with delusions inside a vision
a path with someone elses footsteps
this is my life