Sunday, April 17, 2011



It feels good to relax after you have acomplished so many things. I feel as though I am doing things to quickly and also working on too many projects. I have learned many things by failing and picking myself up. I want to show everyone not to be afraid to fail because you learn from your mistakes. I think nobody cares because they are fucking themselves with their egos. I feel that our attention span is becoming shorter because of all the information coercing us to buy products, to think what is right/healthy, ect... And then all in all in order to keep myself sane, I want to be a man with morals. To help others and teach them to do things for themselves. It feels good to be a noble person, then I litterally feel the world has already ended and I want to tell everyone stop pretending that they are trying to save it. I become sour because the world doesn't care, I become isolated because I am afraid of the world. I am lost in what I think is right. I don't even know what is right anymore. "Be true to the game and the game will be true to you."


I want to be known for my art and my integrity as much as the sensationalism I provide for the history of mankind

Monday, April 11, 2011


I honestly believe that in my experience in producing paintings, that it does not matter that one works or goes to school or both and say that is a reason why they cannot make the time to create art. In my experience in working in financial services, I understand that work may be tiring or at times consuming. But what really makes a difference is the drive the individual has to do what s/he really wants to do. The hardest thing in creating art is starting. No excuses. No not "I'm depressed" or "I'm tired" or "I got hurt" or "I'm lazy" (admittingly) because that is all on you. People in jail find ways to create art in small spaces with little tools. You only have one life and it is up to the individual to make things happen. I do not work right now and I have used the time to be as productive as I can but I know my flaws and how much effort I can put my body through and we all know sleep and rest is an important thing. This is why I believe the capacity of somebody doing art is just the same for someone who works or someone who does not work. It is all on drive and ambition. Always practice drawing and make it a habit to brea bad habits. By not working, I realized that being productive is a matter of putting in the time that will eventually accumulate into something worth being proud of.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My New Years Resolution for 2011

So my new years resolution for this year is that I will not let anyone walk all over me.