Tuesday, May 24, 2011


From the other side ov the looking glass. Fingernails almost touch a Desire scratching everything I need, a breath to live.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I can't be president forever/I can't be everyones curator but I certainly was never Santa Claus

It is in my good nature to help everyone around me and to do things for the best interest of things. I have worked very hard to make something good for the community and for the arts. I have learned many things and I have met many people. One of my goals growing up was to make a friend in every city that I visited. When I am out meeting people, it doesn't nesscessarily mean that everyone will like me. If I could inspire people to do things for themselves, then I think I have done my part to contribute to society without getting any credit for it. So everyone do what you want to do and put the time in because if you are going to be a cry baby whining shit talker I dont roll with suckers and I fuck with busters