Wednesday, August 18, 2010

In order to change the world for the better, one must get into many peoples heads.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Love is

To do what you really want to do in life is to love. I love to do Art. When I do art it can be painful and it can be enjoyable. I do not for one single moment believe there is %100 good and %100 bad in something. There has to be some sort of balance to everything. If I cant draw something the way I want it to look, It is heartbreaking! But the joy of spending the time and feeling like time flys right by and realizing that time does not exist by doing something you love to do is one of the greatest joys I wish every living thing on this planet can feel at least once in their lives. Everyday I wish to write and draw to keep my creative side strong and sharp. People are built to be naturally lazy, but only the few who put the time in something they believe in stand out from the rest. If I can inspire those around me to become outstanding people then I believe I have contributed to the time I have spent on this Planet we all share.

El Camino College

Going to community college has prepared me in a lot of things. For example, I have learned an understanding how to deal with people, understanding the nature and complexities of groups and foremost building an understanding of technique and craft. I learned how to deal with people who pretend to play the role of representing people when they in fact do not even talk to diverse groups of people at school but just stick to their own cliches. I also learned that it does not matter how big a group is, what matters is how determined are the people you work with. You can have one million people in your group, but if no one wants to help then I guess it is pretty useless to have those people for support. At school I understand the fact that people only care about themselves because this is how our country (United States) is ran anyway, that we are a wilderness country and that everyone is out for themselves. Or that people "pretend" to care about people but only care about themselves. Also, people are always trying to get something out of nothing. I also understand that there are people who do in fact like to help others and support philanthropy and collaboration. I believe that I have been exposed to a lot of things because I have worked hard at what I do and searched for opportunities at the right time. I believe in all the years I have spent at El Camino College I thank this school for what they have offered me at the time to transform me into a well rounded person. I believe there is a lot more to be learned and one can never stop learning, but in all my time at El Camino I learned that everything I have ever done there was just a learning experience.

"What more could I say, I wouldn't be here today, if the old school didn't pave the way"

To be an artist I feel I need to express every inch of feeling and creative thought, no matter positive or negative. What I have in common with everyone in this world is I share "time." I believe that reciprocity through time is a great example of karma. Believing in one self also plays a crucial part of finding one self in the society one must play a role in. As an artist in the contemporary art world, I feel that I should record every single thought because this is what goes through peoples minds in the era I exist in with whatever tool I could get my hands on. I also feel that as an artist, I am not a normal person. Being an artist is to confront conflict and to endure struggle but embracing the negativity into beauty and positive vibes and speaking loud as possible about it. I have learned so much with art. I learned how to connect with people, how to balance my emotions and make positive decisions. I learned how to speak clearly about concepts and backing up my thoughts. I am programed to solve problems creatively. I have learned how to create and teach peace within a community and teach people to share. I learned how to stand straight and hold my head up. I learned how to deal with tough obstacles in life. I learned how to survive mentally and physically. How to be organized, and well thought out. And lastly, I learned to let go of ego or who I think I am and accept my being and let go to fit into this world. I love to do art and surround myself with art. I feel my whole life my inner circle in my family does not understand how much I want to make a difference in this world. It takes a lot for somebody to understand art, but to understand art one must let go of thinking and see what you truly see. To truly see something is to follow your heart and know what is right to you. As an artist it is my job to make the world a much more beautiful place in order for people to want to keep surviving. To create the world in a whole new perspective. I don't believe that we have done everything yet, because the mind will always prevail to come up with infinite ideas. Therefore I must keep creating, I must keep expressing and making mistakes. I must record history in order for me to exist and to love every minute of life.