Thursday, January 30, 2014

Im on a journey to find my whole self.

Since I could ever remember, I searched for somebody else. My dream girl, the woman of my dreams. And now, today I must confess that, that person does not exist. We become attracted by other people because we see parts of ourselves in them. One must love themselves 100% before they can love somebody else. I am here in this world with you (the reader), I am here only to absorb as much information as I can possibly can. From where I am today, I shall only go forward. Every single day I am encountering experiences and I am driven only through my will. Today, I am only focusing on strengthening my Will. I can be whatever I choose, I can believe in whatever I chose to and create the reality I am surrounded by. I am driven by love, and I now realize love can potentially destroy me. I am finally awake from a dream. My dreams are so powerful that they can turn into reality. Becoming everything I ever wanted. If I really wanted to...

Monday, January 20, 2014

Letters that were never received

Dear person,
Who can never love.
This poem is not about you,
although I wish to say,
When does one begin,
to feel above as so below
that kind of reminds me of you.
Im just here
not because of this,
but because I resisted life
I was stubborn
I wanted to love
but I didn't love myself.
and I didn't see that
all this time.
and now I am smarter
I soon realized
Loving yourself
Isn't all that bad
and I give unexplainable gratitude,
for seeing myself in you. - Always W.P.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Farewell thoughts

Farewell to now,
I let go of why.
Another way of,
seeing a passing.
The greatest feeling.
Everday is always today.
Another one, a better one
one more
for the road.
The greatest experience
with you, there is more
outside, somewhere
just waiting
to happen.
Killed my ego with
an "I" shaped bar.
And forgot everything that
has ever happened to me.
But, the thing is...
Everyone else
I am.
Sound of
In silence
Watching the
Sun grow
Into a
I understand
Jesus Christ
Why he was born
To become
what thou will,
The king of all kings,
Everybody dies.
Some die worthy
to die with dignity.
Everybody dies in
ode to drama

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Thank you love

You made me feel alive
The first time I meant it
You reminded me of myself
To live in the now
Short lived love,
Oh, did the shoe fit?

You made me forget
nothing really matters
but everything in between did
extend my arm
to God

You woke me up early in the morning
The first person I wanted to see coming back to life.
You left me as I watched your car go
and turned away, signaling before incoming traffic.

Thank you
for loving me.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

favorite sound from innocence past
remind me who I still hold on to
we haven't looked around lately
her calling carries a missing feel
waiting like fossils
to be digged up