Wednesday, October 10, 2018

you win

for a long time

i couldn't realize

that love is not earned.

a long time

makes or breaks you.

and what I had to offer

was all I had left.

even at my best,

was still not enough.

and all this time

for the good and the bad

i will still hold to

the history

of what little

i could still hold on to

it made a lifetime

of happiness

even though I tried so hard

I could finally accept the fact

it was not meant to be.

Im just so sorry

that I couldn't be

the one for you

Friday, May 25, 2018

thoughts on being nice

A woman asked "Why are you so nice to me?"

Because I know how it feels to be Fucked,

maybe I know what its like out there and just a simple smile could make a difference,

or that its not in my nature to cause ill intentions, I try...

and sometimes I wish God would help me find the right person to be nice to,

because obviously its so rare these days people gotta question,

why are people so nice? is it because parents don't have time to teach their children?

Its just the way that I am. Please don't take me for granted.

And sometimes, when you're nice, you think that everyone else is that way too.

and sometimes people take my kindness for weakness,

but, Im ready.

Bring it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

text messages

I like it when someone texts me all quick.
Like in the television shows
when they have random text conversations
and the friend texts all super quick

A lot to me

"So why did you stop drawing?"

"I got really sad."